I wish to use the fork() function on one of my scripts. I would like more
clarity on the way it works.

Take for instance the ff code:

Sub mysub
        while (<THATFILE>)
        If ($_ eq "SCANME")
                system("nessus" "thathost");
                print "Forked!\n";
                system("nmap", "-sS", "-T", "insane", "mynetwork")
                print "Forked on else\n";
        close THATFILE;

What I would like to know when I do the fork on the if statement, does the
child just do the stuff under if block & exit?? 
What happens exactly? Is this the right way of doing this?

Langa Kentane           | Tel: +27 12 672 7209
Security Engineer               | Cell: +27 82 456 2219
Nanoteq (PTY) LTD               | PGP Key ID: 0x771B0480 
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