On Monday, June 24, 2002, at 12:47 , Ben Huyghebaert wrote:

> I just spent about 5-6 hours going through some of the unix mans for perl.

phase one error:
        documentation is written in a non-formalized language
        code is written in almost like a formalized language
        the mapping at times occurs.
        exception_handler_Here() unless(head_blown);
> So I was trying to get more of a grasp on perl....

phase two error:

        Never attempt to Grasp Perl without the appropriate safety equipment,
        it has been known to byte....

> I stopped looking at it about 45 minutes ago but i'm still dazed and my 
> mind is numb! Those manuals are horrible they bounce from one topic to 
> another with no direction and they expect you to know c and unix and a 
> million other things when they are inroducing "simple" topics.

phase three error:

        also don't forget that much of this is written for things like

                http and html

        both of which are not nicely formalized areas as well...

        you really should try the xhtml/xml/YourBuzzHere standards while
        they are still evolving.

        { or have you tried to deal with the micro/mach/monolithic kernel
                arguments - now there is a place to play.... }

> I'm just glad that I am on this mailing list I think i'll just keep 
> browsing the mail and eventually get a good understanding of how to 
> program well.

phase four error:

        we dig wells - they are a means of getting fluid
        out of the ground - you really can not programme
        fluid to come out of the ground, there is no IEEE
        standard yet for the 'fluid out of ground problem'.

> William move your heead! Look at the size of that boys
> heeead! It's like an orange on a toothpeck! HEEEEAD

phase five error:

        no observed question - clearly parsing error caused
        by monkeyBoy doing keyboard mashing. Possible sign
        that this planet is not yet worth incorporating into
        the borg collective - no apparent signs of intelligent life.

End of File Reached with out a return code....



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