Hello Everyone!
        Well after using php to help make a couple web pages I needed a
scripting language for client side apps. Since php is best left for web
development I decided to learn perl because php is based on perl and I
thought it would be a fairly easy undertaking to get a good grasp in
perl and it has been so far. My only problem is that when I put
#!/usr/bin/perl at the beginning of any of my programs it wont run. I
get an output from the shell that says /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter:
Permission denied. I could only run the script if I typed in: perl
PATH_TO_SCRIPT.  Doing what any good linux user would do I checked the
permissions of the perl interpreter. The permissions were set so anyone
could execute it. Then I thought something was wrong with the
interpreter. So I reinstalled perl and it still didn't work. Truly
frustrated I took off the perl interpreter that came with my
distribution, installed Active Perl made a link for the interpreter to
/usr/bin/perl and tried again. Right now I'm stumped. Just in case
anyone wonders I did not write any of my scripts in windows so it would
read the script as /usr/bin/perl\r. Any help would be appreciated.

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