Ernie --

...and then Tucker, Ernie said...
% I have a perl scipt that emails certain information to me. I would like a
% certain line to be in bold or a different color when it is emailed. Is there
% a way to do this?

There are lots of ways.  In fact, there are as many ways as email
clients, because what you use to read it is what's going to have to
render it in bold and what will, therefore, make the difference.

You might simply use good old *ASCII* chars to bold your text; not only
can anyone read them, but some Usenet-aware programs will change the
color in the terminal output for you.

You could do the bbaacckkuupp thing, which will tell the
terminal to print the char twice in the same place and will often be
interpreted as bold, but some mail clients might puke on that.  You're
using LookOut! so I bet that looks bad to you :-)

You could try good old ANSI escape codes, but I bet Outhouse
won't handle that well, either.

You could hard-code in the <b>HTML</b> tags around your text; if you only
have one or two that might not be too obnoxious (unlike entirely-HTML

Figure out what's going to be doing the reading and then you can figure
out how to make it show up and THEN you can figure out how to write it.

% Ernest P. Tucker II
%  Network Technician
%  Madison Management Area
%  Charter Communications


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
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