On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well, I still can't get my page to display.


Much earlier in this thread, I think, the fundamental point got lost:

  CGI.pm is an added layer of abstraction that creates an additional
  opportunity for users to wreak havoc.

When scipting Web app's with CGI.pm, I usually develop the HTML separately 
and then translate that into CGI.pm function calls _a_step_at_a_time_ so 
that I can catch those MINOR typos that can bring the entire script to a 
screaching halt much earlier.

As to your complaint: I recommend that you...

1. begin riping-out sections of code until the script works (so that you
   can find the almost-certainly minor typo that is causing you 
   heartburn), or

2. write a smaller script that embodies the jist of what you're trying
   to accomplish

.... as most people who subscribe to this list (myself *especially*) have
neither the time nor the patience to sift through anything longer than a
screen-full of intricate code only to find insignificant errors. (e.g., 

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

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