>Thanks!  Changing:

>my $message = @_;
>my ($message) = @_;

>did put the correct value in the string.

>If anyone cares to explain the difference between the code I had and the code
>Shishir suggested so I can understand why this makes a difference, I'm all

@_ is an array. 

You were trying to do "my $message = @_;"
Here $message will get the scalar value of the array i.e the number of elements in the 
array..which you are rightfully getting = 1.

my ($message) = @_; ## This takes the value from @_ in array context and since there 
only one element in @_, therefore, only one variable on the left side in array context 
is needed.
Hence "my ($message) = @_;"

you could have used 

my $message = shift;
my $message = $_[0];

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