There is nothing in concrete in Perl, so up to the individual. To me
for this type of action, you create your own.  You can posibbly use
Date::Manip or one of the other Date routines, but alot of times this add a
lot of extra overhead for piece of data you want to work with. 

        You can try:

my @MyMonthDesc = qw(dummy January February March April May June July August
September October November December);

my @MyDate = ();
$_ = '20020706';
my($MyYear,$MyMonth,$MyDay) = ();
if ( ! /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ ) {
   # not correct format
 }else {
   $MyYear  = $1;
   $MyMonth = $2;
   $MyDay   = $3;
   printf "%-s %d, %d\n", $MyMonthDesc[$MyMonth], $MyDay, $MyYear;

July 6, 2002

A start.

Wags ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 12:11
Subject: How to change "20020706" to "July 6, 2002"?

How to change "20020706" to "July 6, 2002"?

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