Todd Wade wrote at Sat, 06 Jul 2002 21:25:24 +0200:

> I might use something like this:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> print 'uid: ', random_string(), "\n";
> print 'pwd: ', random_string(), "\n";
> sub random_string {
>   my($string) = '';
>   my($length) = 6;
>   my(@chars) = ('A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9);
>   while (length($string) != $length) {
>     $string .= $chars[ rand($#chars) ];
>   }
>   return($string);

I would be too lazy to write my own random_string subroutine.
I think String::Random would be my favourite :-)


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