On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 14:03, Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
> bob ackerman writes:
> [...]
> > so:
> > s|{(.*?)}|$1=~ tr///|xg;
> I'm trying to test this myself on a string (rather than $_), but don't 
> understand how to use tr/// on $1 and then place the result back into the 
> string (practice only).
you can't use tr/// on $1, because that's a read-only variable, instead,
try to assign the value of $1 to another variable and use tr/// on that
($use_tr_on_me = $1) =~ tr/iw/JX/;
> I tried a sort of nested expression similar to what you show
> $string =~ s|{(.*?)}|{$1 =~ tr/iw/JX/)}|xg;
> It's supposed to capture the text between curly brackets and then do a 
> transliteration (i-->J and x-->X)
> but for: kdkdkiwiwdkdkdk {iwidkwidkw} kdkdkdwiwiwkdkdk {kdkdikdkddk}
> I get: "kdkdkiwiwdkdkdk {iwidkwidkw =~ tr/iw/JX/} kdkdkdwiwiwkdkdk 
> {kdkdikdkddk =~ tr/iw/JX/}"
that's because you are substituting (.*?) for "$1 =~ tr/iw/JX/" as a
string, if you want to evaluate it as code, you need to add an e
modifier to s///, (and you can get rid of the x because you aren't using
it anyway):
$string =~ s|{(.*?)}|($t=$1) =~ tr/iw/JX/;"{$t}"}|eg;

hope that helps :-)

Marco Antonio Valenzuela Escárcega

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