I understand how to use a foreach on a reference to an array as follows:

my $avg_resp_time = get_avg_resp_time($durations, $url_id);
  foreach my $avg_resp(@$avg_resp_time) {
    print "AVG = $avg_resp\n";

But how do I directly access one array value from the reference to the

print "DEBUG TEST @$avg_resp_time[0]\n";        Fails
print "DEBUG TEST @$avg_resp_time->[0]\n";    Fails
print "DEBUG TEST @{$avg_resp_time[0]}\n";    Fails

I have bookmarked ch04_07.htm of the Perl CD "Data Structure Code Examples"
but I just don't understand it.

I am trying to setup a hash for use in HTML::Template as follows

my $email_vars = { chk_freq             =>      $chk_freq,
                   url_timeout          =>      $url_timeout,
                   url                  =>      $url,
                   url_protocol         =>      $url_protocol,
                   mc_email             =>      $mc_email,
                   full_detail          =>      $full_detail,
                   avg_resp_time        =>      [ qw(@$avg_resp_time[0]
                                                     @$avg_resp_time[6]) ],
                   sum_errors           =>      $sum_errors,
                   pct_up_time          =>      $pct_up_time,

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