@result = grep {/pattern1/  && /pattern2/ && /pattern3/} @array;

On Wednesday, July 10, 2002, at 06:16 PM, Robert Kasunic wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking for an efficient way to do consecutive grep's in perl, i.
> e. a possibility to resemble something like
>   'cat some_file | grep pattern1 | grep pattern2 | grep pattern3'.
> I know I can do that as follows:
> @array = <SOME_FILE>;
> @res_grep1 = grep /pattern1/, @array;
> @res_grep2 = grep /pattern1/, @res_grep1;
> @res_grep3 = grep /pattern1/, @res_grep2;
> But that doesn't look to nice, especially when thinking about more
> grep statements.
> Robert
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