So often your question has the answer :-)....naturally after some more 
thought I checked to see if perl had a builtin for chmod, and to little 
surprise it did. So I am now using perl's builtin chmod and things are 
happy again, however, I am still curious about open's ability to do this 
rather than requiring a separate function, so can it?

Anyone hiring?

Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
> Couple questions about the default setting of permissions on files 
> written with "open"....
> Background:
> I have a long time running cgi script that takes multipart uploads of 
> files and stores them to the local server. Below is *almost* the exact 
> code I have written (post input checking, permission checking, etc.):
> # write the file
> open(WRITEFILE,">$filename");
> print WRITEFILE $CGI{'scriptfile'}->{'Contents'};
> close(WRITEFILE);
> Recently (in the last week or so) my hosting provider has made some 
> change so that scripts written by the web server through this script are 
> now stored as 640 instead of the previously 644:
> Example:
> -rw-r-----   1 scripts  scriptsg     137k Jul 10 11:31 11109-0.scw
> -rw-r--r--   1 scripts  scriptsg     155k Jul  2 20:57 7694-0.scw
> Which prevents the re-download of the files from the client (permission 
> error).
> Questions:
> 1) How can I set the default permissions on the file that is written to 
> what I *need* (less secure I realize, but necessary), aka the original 
> default of 644?  (I realize I could then use a system call and chmod the 
> file but I would really rather not.)
> 2) How has my ISP set this new restriction to the default for writes on 
> a script that they haven't edited (at least they better not have)?
> If necessary:
> Linux .com 2.4.15-pre8 #1 Wed Nov 21 13:16:53 CST 2001 i686 unknown
> This is perl, v5.6.0 built for i686-linux
> Thanks....
> Anyone hiring?

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