<Long-shot guess>

The first element is a filehandle (or reference to one) and once the
filehandle is closed the element is now uninitialized.

I think the module didn't splice out that element.

<Guess 2>
You have no value for that element from the data you are tying.
</guess 2>

What does $array[0] have?

have you tried debugging or Data::Dumper to see what @array consistes of?

this is only a warning, you can turn off warnings to avoid the message if
that's all you wanted.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 8:33 AM
> Subject: Strange tie Problem
> The following snippet is from "Advanced perl programming" by Sriram 
> Srinivasan. A test program is also attached.
> If I print any other list element, it works fine but for 
> the first element ( $array[1] ), it gives a warning. What's on??
> Perl version is 5.6.0 on RH Linux 7.
> /home/atul/myperl> ./tst.pl 
> Use of uninitialized value in seek at 
> /home/atul/myperl/TieFile.pm line 27.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> /home/atul/myperl> 
> ----------------- Example Program ( tst.pl ) ----------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use lib qw(/home/atul/myperl); # so it can find module
> use TieFile;
> my @array;
> tie @array, 'TieFile', 'tst.pl'; # read the program file 
> itself as data        
> print "$array[1]";
> ----------------- Example Program ( tst.pl ) ----------------
> --------------------- CUT HERE --------------------
> package TieFile;
> use Symbol;
> use strict;
> # The object constructed in TIEARRAY is an array, and these are the
> # fields
> my $F_OFFSETS    = 0;  # List of file seek offsets (for each line)
> my $F_FILEHANDLE = 1;  # Open filehandle
> sub TIEARRAY {
>    my ($pkg, $filename) = @_;
>    my $fh = gensym;
>    open ($fh, $filename) || die "Could not open file: $!\n";
>    bless [  [0],  # 0th line is at offset 0
>             $fh
>          ], $pkg;
> }
> sub FETCH {
>    my ($obj, $index) = @_;
>    # Have we already read this line?
>    my $rl_offsets = $obj->[$F_OFFSETS];
>    my $fh = $obj->[$F_FILEHANDLE];
>    if ($index > @$rl_offsets) {
>        $obj->read_until ($index);
>    } else {
>        # seek to the appropriate file offset
>        seek ($fh, $rl_offsets->[$index], 0); 
>    }
>    return (scalar <$fh>);  # Return a single line, by 
> evaluating <$fh> 
> }
> sub STORE {
>    die "Sorry. Cannot update file using package TieFile\n";
> }
> sub DESTROY {
>    my ($obj) = @_;
>    # close the filehandle
>    close($obj->[$F_FILEHANDLE]);
> }
> sub read_until {
>    my ($obj, $index) = @_;
>    my $rl_offsets = $obj->[$F_OFFSETS];
>    my $last_index = @$rl_offsets - 1;
>    my $last_offset = $rl_offsets->[$last_index];
>    my $fh = $obj->[$F_FILEHANDLE];
>    seek ($fh, $last_offset, 0); 
>    my $buf;
>    while (defined($buf = <$fh>)) {
>       $last_offset += length($buf);
>       $last_index++;
>       push (@$rl_offsets, $last_offset);
>       last if $last_index > $index;
>    }
> }
> 1;
> --------------------- CUT HERE --------------------
> -- 
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