> Ok, it's a slow day, I'll bite at that.  Try as I might. I can't make 
> your sort beat my map-based linear search.

Well, forcing the sort to copy the entire array isn't exactly fair.  
The proper way to write the sort based max is

my $max = (sort { $a <=> $b } @array)[-1];

This keeps Perl from copying the entire array (it only grabs the last
element).  Here are my benchmark results with three added cases:a naive
Perl foreach loop, a shorter Perl for loop, a version of your map based
max (let me know if you have problems with my cut down version), and a
version written with Inline::C.

Sample set is 10
              Rate       map       for     naive      sort Inline::C
map        63232/s        --       -1%       -5%      -63%      -81%
for        63735/s        1%        --       -4%      -63%      -81%
naive      66248/s        5%        4%        --      -61%      -80%
sort      171775/s      172%      170%      159%        --      -48%
Inline::C 331567/s      424%      420%      400%       93%        --

Sample set is 100
              Rate       map       for     naive      sort Inline::C
map         9091/s        --      -18%      -19%      -31%      -95%
for        11035/s       21%        --       -2%      -16%      -93%
naive      11240/s       24%        2%        --      -15%      -93%
sort       13159/s       45%       19%       17%        --      -92%
Inline::C 169712/s     1767%     1438%     1410%     1190%        --

Sample set is 200
              Rate       map      sort       for     naive Inline::C
map         4787/s        --      -12%      -17%      -20%      -96%
sort        5444/s       14%        --       -6%       -9%      -95%
for         5781/s       21%        6%        --       -3%      -95%
naive       5985/s       25%       10%        4%        --      -95%
Inline::C 114686/s     2296%     2006%     1884%     1816%        --

Sample set is 1000
             Rate      sort       map       for     naive Inline::C
sort        806/s        --      -17%      -31%      -36%      -97%
map         976/s       21%        --      -16%      -22%      -97%
for        1169/s       45%       20%        --       -7%      -96%
naive      1252/s       55%       28%        7%        --      -96%
Inline::C 29954/s     3614%     2968%     2462%     2292%        --

Sample set is 10000
            Rate      sort       map       for     naive Inline::C
sort      42.1/s        --      -48%      -62%      -64%      -96%
map       81.2/s       93%        --      -27%      -30%      -93%
for        111/s      163%       36%        --       -5%      -90%
naive      117/s      177%       44%        5%        --      -90%
Inline::C 1117/s     2552%     1275%      910%      858%        --

Sample set is 100000
            Rate      sort       map       for     naive Inline::C
sort      2.12/s        --      -73%      -80%      -81%      -97%
map       7.77/s      266%        --      -27%      -31%      -89%
for       10.6/s      400%       37%        --       -6%      -86%
naive     11.3/s      434%       46%        7%        --      -85%
Inline::C 73.9/s     3385%      852%      597%      553%        --

Personally I find the results amazing.  I would have sworn that the for
version of max would have beaten the naive version, but it never did. 
As we can see from the results the best case is always the Inline::C
version of max (as expected); however Inline::C is not always available,
so the next best thing is the sort version of max for sample sets <= 100
and the naive version of max for all other sample sets.

use strict;
use Benchmark;
use Inline 'C';

our @array;

my %sub = (
        'sort'  => sub {
                our @array;
                return (sort { $a <=> $b } @array)[-1];
        'map'   => sub {
                our @array;
                my $max = $array[0];
                map { ($max < $_)?($max = $_):undef } @array;
                return $max;
        'naive' => sub {
                our @array;
                my $max = $array[0];
                foreach my $current (@array) {
                        if ($max < $current) {
                                $max = $current
                return $max;
        'for' => sub {
                our @array;
                my $max = $array[0];
                $max < $_ ? $max = $_ : undef for @array;
                return $max;
        'Inline::C' => sub {
                our @array;
                return Max(@array);

foreach my $array_size (10,100,200,1_000,10_000,100_000) {
        our @array = map { .5 - rand } (0..$array_size); 
        my $max;

        print "Sample set is $array_size\n";
        my $results = Benchmark::timethese(-3, \%sub, 'none');
        print "\n";


void Max (SV* first_element, ...) {
        int i;
        double max = SvNV(Inline_Stack_Item(0));
        for (i = 0; i < Inline_Stack_Items; i++) {
                double current = SvNV(Inline_Stack_Item(i));
                if (max < current) max = current;

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