If you want ascending numeric then <=> vs cmp ( ascii ) and you have

Wags ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: nkuipers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:39
Subject: another sort question (flame away)

Hello all,

My hash keys look something like this:

>1234 x5

So I am thinking a cmp, as opposed to <=> is best.

What I want is for the keys to be sorted as follows:

>1 x....
>2 x....
>3 x....
>n x....

This is what I have in my script at the moment:

my @sort_this = keys %final_list;
my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @sort_this;
for (@sorted) { print OUT "$_\n$final_list{$_}\n" }

This gives

>1 x....
>10 x....
>100 x....
>1000 x....
>1001 x....


Any suggestions?  I'm not asking for you to spell it out for me with code
all unless you really want to.  Sorry if this is a dumb question.



"I think for my lunch tomorrow I'll make a tuna and pickle triangle

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