for (@privates)
{   chomp; 
    print "Attemp to del $_\n";
        unlink ($_) ? 
        {print "$_ unable to del" } :
        {print "$_ deleted" };

I didn't ever tried unlink @array like method, 
perhaps the problem is there.

and you got 0 delete is the "fail signal" send
back from the unlink action. you will got 1 deleted
if the unlink is success.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Javeed SAR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: del files

> I want to  delete files.
> I am not able to delete , what is the wrong thing I am doing here.
> I am able to see the file in @privates
> I am getting following output:
> 0 deleted
> Attempting to delete M:\jav_test\train\k k k.mkelem.mkelem
> #!c:\perl\bin\perl 
> @privates =`cleartool lsprivate  -tag jav_test -other`;
> #print "@privates";
> #print "Enter a  pattern:";
> #my $pattern =<>;
> #chomp $pattern;
> foreach (@privates)
> {
> print "\nAttempting to delete $_\n";
>  $delo=unlink @private;  
> print "\n $delo deleted";
> }

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