Perhaps you could open the command to a filehandle


and figure out something from there.  I've never done it, so I'm not sure,
and I have to run, but that might get you started.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Samuelsson (PAC) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:28 AM
Subject: Percent % completed?

Hello again out there.

Is there anyway to get perl to do a counter so it counts in the command
shell how many % that is done? I have a script that runs a check on a
database, its just 1 command and it spits out some information. Can i parse
this information from when its printing out this information, and insted
capture some variabels and make it count like 0 % ready, 25 % ready or
similar? its hard since its just 1 command and that spits out all the
infomation if the database is at good health, but the check can take a
really long time for some databses and a very short time for not so big
databases.  But the out put is always the same for the databses unless there
is an error in them.

Processing key file: vob_db.k01(1), total of 444 nodes


Processing key file: vob_db.k02(2), total of 840 nodes


Processing key file: vob_db.k03(5), total of 1 node


Processing key file: vob_db.k04(6), total of 1 node


Processing data file: vob_db.d01(0), total of 37651 records


Processing data file: vob_db.d02(3), total of 20628 records


Processing data file: vob_db.d03(4), total of 1 record

Database consistency check completed

0 errors were encountered in 0 records/nodes

This is the output from the command.  Anyone got a clue on how to make it
count for each line or something?

Thanks for any info or similar scripting techniqes.


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