>I couldn't quite follow this program off the book. The parts not quite
>clear to me are (the hwole program is given below):

I'll go through them block by block, and then you can ask deeper questions
about the ones that I don't explain well enough.

>$i = 0;

I'm guessing that you know that $i is a variable.  Here we set it to 0.
This is because we are going to count with it later in the program.

>$correct = "maybe"; {

We're again initializing a variable, in this case $correct has the value
"maybe" assigned to it.

>while ($correct eq "maybe")
>if ($words[$i] eq $guess){
>$correct = "yes";

As long as $correct still has the value "maybe", look at element $i of the
@words array and compare it to the value of the variable $guess, if they are
the same, change the value of $correct to "yes", thereby breaking us out of
the while loop.

>elsif ($i < 2) {
>$i = $i + 1;

If the $i th element of @wordss is not the same as guess and the value of $i
is 0 or 1, then we add 1 to $i.  This is because @words is hardcoded with 3
responses, and we're using $i to loop through the @words array in the if.

It also helps to indent everything within a set of braces {} so that you can
see where loops and conditionals begin and end:

----------------------the whole program-----------------------

@words = qw (llama camel alpaca);
print "what is your name\n";
$name = <stdin>;
chomp $name;
if ($name eq "tan") {
    print "hey man\n";
} else {
    print "hi, $name\n";
    print "enter the password\n";
    $guess = <stdin>;
    chomp $guess;
    $i = 0;
    $correct = "maybe"; {
        while ($correct eq "maybe") {
            if ($words[$i] eq $guess){
                $correct = "yes";
            } elsif ($i < 2) {
                $i = $i + 1;
            } else {
                print "wrong. try again\n";
                $guess = <stdin>;
                chomp $guess;
                $i = 0;

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