> > sub count {
> > open (COUNT, "+>./count.dat") or die "cannot open countfile: $!";
> > flock(COUNT, 2);
> > 
> > while (<COUNT>){
> >         if (m/BC0012/i){
> >                 ($key, $count) = split('=',$_);
> >                 $found = 1;
> >                 $count++;
> >         } else {
> >                 $found = 0;
> > }
> > }

That's quite strange.... is this COUNT file single line ?
or mulitiple lines ? 

If single line :
1. The while loop is useless. simplily :

    $ln = <COUNT> ;
    ($key, $count) = split(/=/, $ln) if ($ln =~ /BC0012/i);
    $found = 1 if ($key);
2. However, you didn't do anything to write to the FH and/or
printout the $count ?! How can you know this doesn't work ? =)

If muliple lines :

You will make $found = 0 at the end, if /BC0012/ not existed
at the last line. Maybe you want something like this.

my $found =0 ;

while (...) 
    { # if match, do something
        $found = 1

print $found; # so you get the right ans.

Both single and multiple lines :
1. use strict and warnings;
2. open (FH, ">file") or +< rather then +>, that talking about 
some file mode or fix length. It's no use here. But for this 
case, I still recommand you use the simplest, >.


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