loan tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Howdy,
> 1. Can a variable store a text file with 40000+ bytes
> in size?

I am under the impression that a scalar can be as big as you need.  I
*suspect* that the problem lies in limitations on the size of an <<EOF
document - but someone more knowledgable will have to answer that

> 2. How can I cc or send a message to 2 persons at the
> same time using sendmail?

A comma-seperated list, or Cc: - -
To: addr\, addr2\
Cc: rdda\

> 3. Could someone please suggest a better way than mine
> to send a content of a text file using sendmail. 

I believe the 'canonical' way is:

open(INPUT, '$reportdir/$eachowner.txt') or die "Danger!  $!";

> Below is part of my script. The problem is if my
> message is big ($eachowner.txt is over 40000 bytes)
> a receiver does not get the whole message.  

#...don't use this...
> $mail_message = `cat $reportdir/$eachowner.txt`;
> &sendownermail($eachowner,$mail_message);
#...back to your code...

> sub sendownermail{
> my $to        = $_[0];
> my $mail_message = $_[1];
> open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t") or die
> "Cannot fork for send mail: $! \n";
> print SENDMAIL<<"EOF";
> To: $to\
> Subject: db Report

#...get rid of this part... -V
> $mail_message
#...and use this instead... -V

while (<INPUT>) {
  print SENDMAIL $_;


> close(SENDMAIL) or warn "sendmail dinnot close
> nicely";
> }# end sendownermail

This way, no more than one line of <INPUT> is in memory at one time.



Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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