>I have a series of flags that I need to change all at once, and then
>change back, and was wondering if I could use an array or hash to do

>I am parsing an RTF file, and when I find a footnote, I need to preserve
>the flags of the non-footnote text. So if I was in a table, I need to
>save the $in_table flag. Then when I am done with the footnote text, I
>need to re-set the $in_table flag to its previous state. 

>So far I have this:

>sub start_footnote{
>       $previous_in_table = $in_table;

>sub end_footnone{
>       $in_table = $previous_in_table;
>       ...

>This works find except I might have 15 or 20 flags I need to set or
>re-set. I would like to use an array like this:

>@flags = ($in_table, $after_cell, $in_paragraph);

>When I finish with my footnote, I will have an array of the previous
>values. Now how do I assign these values to the variables?

Perhaps a hash would be a good idea where you can store it as 
while parsing

$flags{$new_flags} = $old_flags; 

After the parse, you know the new value, hence lookup the old value based  on the new 
value and 
reset the flags. 

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