On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 10:25:39AM +0200, peter grotz wrote:
> I want to use ldap as a kind of database for our drawnings.

I hope you've evaluated this decision.  When I was first learning about LDAP
I noticed I kept trying to fit my problems to LDAP, rather than objectively
decide whether LDAP was an appoproate solution.  LDAP can certainly be
useful, but a relational database, flat files, etc. are also useful, and may
be better-suited to your problem.

> Are there any tutorials how to use perl with the perl-ldap-modul ?

You don't mention specifically what module you're talking about.  The
typical interface method is via Net::LDAP.  It can be found on CPAN, and
documentation is included with it.  The documentation can be access with
perldoc, e.g. perldoc Net::LDAP, or at the URL

If this is the module you're talking about, and you've read that
documentation, then what isn't clear?

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