Hi guys,

Actually I want to get STDERR ouput to have more details about systems call
errors, and write the result to a log file...

I spent a couple of hours writing (well... Finding how to write ! :) 
the "sample code", but I have the feeling that all that stuff is overkill...
Is there something more simple ?

Thanks for your time !

# The following code is for reading STDERR output 
# from a filehandle called GET_STDERR

# Opening a pipe to get STDERR output.
pipe(GET_STDERR, FROM_STDERR) or die "pipe $!";

# setting GET_STDERR non blocking :
# we don't want to wait for data if nothing's ready
my $flags = fcntl(GET_STDERR, F_GETFL, 0 ) or die "can't get flags";
fcntl(GET_STDERR, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK) || die "can't set flags";

# setting autoflush to all STDERR related filehandles
select((select(STDERR)      , $|=1)[0]);
select((select(GET_STDERR)  , $|=1)[0]);
select((select(FROM_STDERR) , $|=1)[0]);

# redirect STDERR to pipe input
open(STDERR, ">&FROM_STDERR") || die "Can't dup stderr";

# buffer for reading pipe output
my @err = ();

#... bla bla bla ...

    my $cmd = "$ZIP_CMD $filename";

    if ( system($cmd) != 0 ){
      chomp(@err = <GET_STDERR>);
      log_("0310E-Can't zip file Cmd=[$cmd]; stderr=[".join("; ",@err)."]");

#... bla bla bla ...


Jean-Pierre Sylvanie
Microcell Telecom - IT Dev          (o_
Assurance des Revenus & Fraudes     //\
Revenue Assurance & Fraud           v_/ 
(514) 937-0102 (ext: 6062)

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