Junaid Najamuddin wrote:
> Hi,


> Thanks in advance, if someone can help me out
> I am trying to read the last 10 lines of a log file. If the script finds a
> word ERROR it should email and log the event. If not then do nothing.
> Some how the other first part is working
> If it finds the word ERROR  it does  what needs to be done but when it do
> not find the word it doesn't do anything
> I am about to pull my hair.
> Can some one help me please
> thanks
> junaid
>     open(INFILE, "$File");

You should _always_ verify that the file was opened.

    open INFILE, $File or die "Cannot open $File: $!";

>     $size = @lines = (<INFILE>);
>     close (INFILE);

If you just want the last ten lines of the file then:

my $index;
my @lines;
while ( <INFILE> ) {
    $lines[$index++] = $_;
    $index %= 10;
splice @lines, 0, 0, splice @lines, $index;

>     $cnt = 0;
>     $tail = 10;
>     foreach (@lines)

If you _are_ reading the entire file into @lines you can loop over the
last ten lines like this:

     foreach ( @lines[-10 .. -1] )

>     {
>         if (($cnt >($size - $tail)) and (/\berror\b/i))
Not required if you use either of the modifications I suggested.

>         {
>             print "$_";
>             $cnt++;
>             print LOG "xyz log has a problem\n";
>             &email ("\nxyz log has a problem on $t\n");
>             exit;
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             print "I am doing great";
>             print LOG "xyz is working fine\n";
>             print LOG "No E-mail is being sent\n";
>             close LOG;
>             exit;
>         }
>     }
> }

I don't see anything wrong with the if-else block.

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