On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Sudarshan Raghavan wrote:

> Case 2) Parent dies and child still alive
> From the parent you can send a signal to the child
> and handle it in the child. Something like
> Parent process
> kill ('USR1', $child_pid);
> Child process
> $SIG{USR1} = sub { die "Parent process is dead" };

Sorry!! This solution applies when the parent knows that 
it must die and wants to kill the child. In which case a 
much easier way would be 
kill ('TERM', $child_pid);
kill ('INT', $child_pid);
kill ('KILL', $child_pid); 

If you are going to send SIGTERM or SIGINT to the child you
can handle them and exit in the child gracefully. You cannot
do that with SIGKILL.

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