"Gregg O'Donnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm looking for the simplest way to use the date and time in the format of 
>MMDDYYHHmm (no spaces), which is used later in the program.
> Here's what I've come up with; comments or suggestions are appreciated.
> #Insert Date and Time
> my $month = $mon00   #Two digit month
> my $day = $mday00   #Two digit day in month
> my $year = $year    #Two digit year
> my $hour = $hour00   #Two digit: Hour
> my $min = $min00   #Two digit: Minutes
> #Combine date and time above into MMDDYYHHmm format
> my @log_date = qw($month$day$year$hour$min)

That depends on what format you start with...
Short version:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wl

use strict;

use POSIX;

my @time = localtime(time);

print POSIX::strftime("%m%d%y%H%M",@time);

time is 'unixtime'.  localtime in array context returns a 'time
array', whose format you can read about in the docs.

strftime uses an ansi c standard time format string - there are
several places you can look up the possible arguments.



Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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