Mario wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm triying to replace my awk habits with perl, but I wonder if there is any place
> where I can find samples and/or documentation about how to run perl from
> the command line. Normally I work in Unix.
> For example with awk I used to get a column from the ps or ls -l command.
> Any comment  is welcome.
> Best Regards
> Mario

We have a course called "Minimal Perl for the Impatient" that is
exactly for people like you!  It teaches a specially crafted
dialect of Perl
that gives maximal power with minimal learning, and allows you
to program in
the Pattern/Action model popularized by AWK, "the second
greatest programming language".

Apart from the one-day commercial course (next scheduled for
8/30 in Seattle; see, we
also have a half-day "conference" version that you can download
for free.  It's at; the
version currently available there is the one from the Amsterdam
2001 YAPC conference, but later this week the updated version
from the St. Louis 2002 YAPC will appear there.

Enjoy! 8-}


| Tim Maher, CEO, CONSULTIX  (206) 781-UNIX; (866) DOC-PERL;
(866) DOC-LINUX |

|      JAPH, & JAWCAR ("Just Another White Camel Award
Recipient")           |


| 8/26: Perl+Modules   9/18: Int Perl   9/23: Shell &
Utilities   OCT: mjd ? |

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