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On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 11:38:12PM +0800, Connie Chan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said 
something similar to:
> I am on a Win32 system, and  I use the fatalsToBrowser to prompt errors 
> with some scripts. However, the error mesg will also prompt where exactly
> the file(script) is located. In case, I don't want the full path is exposed.
> Can I modify sth , perhaps regex s///, to mask the root path ?
> like :
> File not found : html/log/connie.txt at C:\WWWroot\CGI-ALL\ line 12.
> is better be masked as :
> File not found : html/log/connie.txt at / line 12.
> Is that possible ?
> Rgds,
> Connie
> -- 
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[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
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