On Friday, August 16, 2002, at 02:20 , Nikola Janceski wrote:

Nikola - thank you for working the space....
but I fear that this is one of those

        well it works....

> this is right:
> ($row, $col) = /(\d+)/g;

I know that the OP had proposed

        $_ = "some stuff here"

but I think that it would be more useful in the
long run to do the additional typing with say

        my ($row, $col) = $string =~ /(\d+)/g

so that it is a bit clearer what we were planning on doing.


some play code to work the idea....

        my $string = "die 2, wold 4 bob: 6";
        my @list = $string =~ /(\d+)/g ;
        print "the \@list says: @list \n";
        print "$_ \n" for @list;
        print "#-------\n";
        $_ =$string ;
        my ($val1, $val2 ) =  /(\d+)/g ;
        my $tmp = $_;
        print "$tmp has value \n" if ( $tmp );
        print "Given:\n\t - $string \n\t - have <$val1> and <$val2>\n";

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