Felix Geerinckx wrote:

> on Wed, 21 Aug 2002 11:33:06 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I'm trying to substitute  all references  to a date (of the format
>> YYYYMMDD) in a file to the current date. I'm obviously doing
>> something wrong here ('cause it doesn't work!:}), as no change is
>> made to the config.ini file.
>> open (FILE, ">>config.ini") || die "Can't open config.ini";
>> while ($line = <FILE>) {
> You are trying to read from a file you opened for appending.
> Try this instead:
>     #! perl -wi.bak
>     use strict;
>     my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime())[3..5];
>     my $date = sprintf("%4d%02d%02d", $y+1900, $m+1, $d);
>     while (<>) {
>         s/\d{8}/$date/g;


>         print;
>     }
> and run it as:
>     $ tryme config.ini
> This will edit config.ini in-place (sort-of) and create a backup copy
> config.ini.bak before making the changes.
> (BTW, you *are* sure there are no other 8-digit numbers in you file,
> aren't you ;-)

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