On Monday, August 26, 2002, at 12:05 , <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone experimented with perlcc?
> If so, any pointers to how it works will be appreciated.

as of 5.6.1 the advice remains that it can make
byte-code - and if you are lucky - it can generate
code that is mostly like c code - but that you should
not be attempting to make this into 'production code'.

I last worried about that with solaris 2.6.1 and perl 5.6.1
things may be better in solaris9 with 5.8.0 but I have
not gone there yet.

If you concern is 'porting' perl to 'c' - you may want to
rethink core parts of your problem and look at

        perldoc Inline::File

as a way to 'harden/speed_up' your perl code by calling
directly to 'c' code if that is what you need.



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