On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Rowan Reid wrote:

> I'm learning as best I can using every book orielly makes.  I am trying
> to saved a complex data structure (hash). I'm trying to use Berkly
> DBFile and tie. I am unable to store the file ie retrieve info once I
> have exited the program.  Once I tie a hash toe the  file access the
> contents should be the same as accessing the contents of the hash

What have you done so far? If you had posted your code or a snippet of it 
we can help you better. Here is a small example. You might also want to 
take a look at flock (perldoc -f flock). 

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DB_File;

my ($tiedb, %tied_hash);
$tiedb = tie (%tied_hash, 'DB_File', 'tie_example.db', O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666) or
    die "dbcreat tie_example.db failed : $!\n";
# Once you exit from the program you will have to tie again to access the 
# values. My guess is you are not doing this.

foreach (keys (%tied_hash)) {
    print "$_ ---> $tied_hash{$_}\n";

while (<STDIN>) {
    $tied_hash{$_} = $_;
undef ($tiedb);
untie ($tiedb);

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