on Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:20:32 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Q) wrote:

> @myFileNameArray = (23_59_54_20_08_2002, 23_59_55_20_08_2002);
> @myMultiDimArray = ([20, 40, 60], [30, 20, 45]);
> I guess what I am really asking here is can i combine the two
> arrays in such a way that the Filename array becomes the key whose
> value is mapped to the multidimensioal array ? 

Do you perhaps mean:

    my %files = ();
    $files{'23_59_54_20_08_2002'} = [20, 40, 60];
    $files{'23_59_55_20_08_2002'} = [30, 20, 45];

Or are there multiple lines in each file, in which case you could use

    $files{'23_59_54_20_08_2002'} = [[20, 40, 60], [70, 80, 90]];

You also may want to turn around your filename, so the year comes 
first, especially when you want to sort (e.g. to iterate from old to 


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