On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 00:14:17 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Goland)

>Hi guys,
>I was just wondering is there a perl interpreter that will fit on one floppy
>disk ??

You need to make a bootable cd to hold all the libs.
Here are instructions for a method I use, which
I find easy.  You can put your whole  home directory
on the cd if you have room.

Go to:
and download mkCDrec_v0.6.0.tar.gz

then follow these additional instructions.

1. Untar the package and cd to the mkcdrec directory.
2. mkdir 'utilities'
3. copy the entire /usr/lib/perl5 directory to
4. Edit the Config.sh at(or near) line 325 where
   a section called 'Links=' is started.
   Add a link like this:
5. You can copy as many of your utilities as
   you want to this utilities directory, and
   make links. However, it is easier to do the
   next step.
6. Goto Config.sh around the line where the section
   called 'Binaries=' begins. Just add entries there,
This ends the perl part of the setup.

7. Goto the begiining of Config.sh and edit each
   entry to suit your system.
   For certain, specify LINUX_KERNEL that you wish to use.
   SCSIDEVICE='0,1,0'  ( or whatever you use for your system )
                       (cdrecord -scanbus will tell you)
    etc, etc,etc
    Don't ignore the line for DEVFS=0 , the cd won't boot
    if you set this wrong. Set it to 1 only if your kernel
    supports it.
8. Finally do a 'make test' to see how your Config.sh looks.
   If all is well, do a 'make'; select option 1 (Rescue CD),
   and your cd will be made.
9. Boot it, and start mc, I'm sure you can take it from there.


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