Laddo wrote:
> Hi all


> I have a log file which is generated by backup script and i am writing a
> perl script to  sort the log so as to prepare it to put into mysql
> database and iam having a problem in doing that.
> my log file is like this   (I have written line numbers for clarity only )
> 1  INCREMENTAL OF staff  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02  STARTS AT  At
> block 315825.
> 2  INCREMENTAL OF www.cs <http://www.cs>   ON  2002-08-28  FROM
> 08/27/02  STARTS AT  At block 102860.
> 3  INCREMENTAL OF staff_homepages  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02
> STARTS AT  At block 103142.
> 4  INCREMENTAL OF ftp.cs <ftp://ftp.cs>   ON  2002-08-28  FROM
> 08/27/02  STARTS AT  At block 103204
> 5  INCREMENTAL OF local  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02  STARTS AT  At
> block 103216.
> 6  INCREMENTAL OF Hyper-G  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02  STARTS AT  At
> block 103236.
> 7  INCREMENTAL OF submissions  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02  STARTS
> AT  At block 104278.
> 8  INCREMENTAL OF src  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02  STARTS AT  At
> block 110373.
> 9  INCREMENTAL OF IMAP  ON  2002-08-28  FROM  08/27/02  STARTS AT  At
> block 110455.
> i want a script that can give me output like this
> "2002-08-28","$PROBLEM","staff", "315825"
> $PROBLEM  is actually  tape number which should be derived from
> blocknumbers in the logfile  e.g say the initial TAPE No =1 and the
> script should check if the block number is greater than the block number
> in the next line it should replace $PROBLEM with TAPE 1 Other wise
> should do something like $PROBLEM=$TAPE +1
> Like in my example
> line 1  should give the output as
> "2002-08-28","TAPE 1","staff", "315825"  # because 315825  > 102860
> line 2 should be
> "2002-08-28", "TAPE 2","www.cs", "102860"  # tape=$tape +1 is required
> because   102860  ! >  103142
> and the same with other lines ....
> i can do it  with awk and  bash but as iam learning perl iam trying to
> write everything in perl. For all the guru's  out there i know its very
> simple please help
> Hmmm  i hope i have explained the concept correctly

Here is one way to do it:

my $tape = 1;
my $start_block = 0;
while ( <LOG> ) {
    next unless /^INCREMENTAL
    $tape++ if $3 < $start_block;
    print '"', join( '","', $2, "TAPE $tape", $1, $3 ), '"';
    $start_block = $3;

use Perl;

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