in line 64, you have:
> my %counties = ( #-- line 64

in line 543, you have:
> if ( ! {$counties}) { #-- line 543

in line 64, you declare a %counties hash variable.
in line 543,  you are trying to access the $counties scalar variable which 
do not exist.

remember in Perl that %counties and $counties are completely different 
thing. one is hash and the other is a scalar. the funny character makes 
them totally different stuff.

in your case, you probably don't need to:

if( ! {$counties}) { #-- what is that do anyway???

just remove that line then your script should work(assume that this is the 
only error you have in your script).


Gregg O'Donnell wrote:

> Hey - I'm receciving syntax and global package errors in lines 540-550 of
> this script, which is running on WinNT. One error I receive is for not
> defining my hash "%counties" which is, in fact, defined. So, I'm baffled
> and stuck. Any insight is greatly appreciated!!
> Gregg
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