hey Perl people!,

   Can't seem to get my brain to work this afternoon...

   I need to read a file and put it in a $Variable (not @Array).

   What I am doing is a bit of code to run a SMTP mail sender (yes, I
   know Net::SMTP works great, but this is how the customer want's

   So I have something like this (yes, with strict & warnings).

my %Envelope = ( # Envelope bits
    -f  => "$eMail", # MAIL FROM:
    -to => "$eMail"  # RCPT TO:

GetBodyFromFile(); This is where I am having problems...
SendIt($body, %Envelope);

sub SendIt {
        my $body = shift @_; # get the msg body

        my $mailer="SMTPmailer.exe"; # the binary (path if needed)
        $mailer .= " - @_"; # add all the parms
        # now we have something like SMTPmailer.exe - -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        my $Debug = 1;
        print "\nCommand Line = $mailer\nMessage Body = $body\n" if $Debug;

        my $SendIt = 0;
        open (MAIL, "|$mailer") if $SendIt; # start Blat with all it's parms
        print MAIL $body if $SendIt; # now put in the msg body (bigger this way than 

This next bit is my problem.  I can use the $body in the bit below,
but not the @body.  Looks like if I put @body as a parm to SendIt()
above, it comes in a multiples elements of @_ and I get #!perl as the
body, nothing else.

sub GetBodyFromFile {
        my $file = $0;
        open (INFO, $file);
        @body = <INFO>;
         1         2         3         4         5         6         7";        

So, how do I get the contents of a multi line file in $body?


Flying with The Bat! eMail v1.61
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
Bad command or filename!  GO stand in the corner.

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