Mike Singleton wrote:
> How would I remove all the space and replace them with commas, but where
> there is more than one space in a row, only replace those with one comma? In
> other words make the follwing file comma delimited and strip out everything
> preceding the date?
> === My crack at the script ===
> use strict;
> while(<>) {
> s/\s/,/g;
> s/^.*?(\w{3} \w{3}\s+\d+.*)$/$1/; # modified slightly
> print;
> }

$ perl -le'
$text = "one  ,two   three,  four,\t five";
print $text;
$text =~ tr/, \t/,/s;
print $text;
one  ,two   three,  four,        five

use Perl;

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