Your log shows a space between the time and hyphen and hyphen and
Micro. You dont' have that in the regex and even more so, there is no hyphen
before Adapter log.
        You might want:

        Anchor with the ^ and you will have date in $1, time in $2 and
opened or closed in $3.
        A shot.
Wags ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 08:12
Subject: regular expression help....

I have the following line in a log file:

09-07-2002 11:39:25.95 - Microsoft Dial Up Adapter log opened.

The date and time will always change but the after that it's always 
consistent (well opened will sometimes be closed)  I need to get the entire 
date in a variable and the entire time in a variable.  I will compare the 
difference between open and close and place THAT into a cumulative variable.

Anyway this the rexexp I have to get the date and time but it's not

/(\d\d-\d\d-\d{4}) (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d)-(Adapter log)/

Now if I just do it like /(Adapter log)/ I get a match on Adapter log, 
which leads me to think that the problem is somewhere with my digit



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