Oops. $$$$$$$$$$

@$myStuff{qw/column1 column2 column3/};

is definitely an improvement but my list is very long. I think I will
have to assign new variables just to make the listing in multiple
lines. Horizontal scrolling to read off-page code is not nice.

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 16:42:10 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Krahn)

>Chris wrote:
>> I have many report columns and would like the format easier to read.
>> Is there a way to list the variables in multiple lines?
>> change this
>> myStuff->{column1},myStuff->{column2},myStuff->{column3}
>Do you mean:
>$myStuff->{column1}, $myStuff->{column2}, $myStuff->{column3}
>> to
>> myStuff->{column1},
>> myStuff->{column2},
>> myStuff->{column3}
>> to make the listing more readable but will not compile
>How about:
>@$myStuff{qw/column1 column2 column3/};

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