Harry Putnam wrote:

>   #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
>   $regex = shift;
>   while(<>){
>      $cnt++;
>      if($cnt == 1){
>        print "$ARGV\n";
>      }
>      if(/$regex/){
>        printf "%-3d %s", $cnt, $_;
>      }elsif(/^$/){
>        $cnt = 0;
>        next;
>      }
> }

you are feeding reg directly to Perl from the user in 'if(/$regex/)' there 
is a chance that this will crash your program consider:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;


print $@ if($@);


the program crash if i supply '\':

Trailing \ in regex m/\/ at ./tmp.pl line 31, <STDIN> line 2.

you should consider things like that when you taking stuff directly from the 
user. you should also consider putting a 'o' like:


since $regex don't change after your program start running, this will save 
you sometime to recompile the whole reg when it's encountered.


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