
Thank you but when I try and run that by doing a

Perl script.pl file.shtml >newfile.txt

I am getting a blank output.

Sorry if I did not explain myself correctly.

There are multiple instances of this line in the one page, and I need to
generate a simple text file to use for another application, which
happens to be a news ticker.

Thanks again for your help.

> Why not try grabbing all the important stuff right out of the 
> pattern, 
> like my example below.  Note:  Your pattern may need changes if I 
> assumed too much, from your examples.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> while (<>) {
> if (m!<font class="fontclassz"><a 
> href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</a></font>!) { print qq(<a href="$1" 
> target="_blank" value="$2">); } }
> On Tuesday, September 17, 2002, at 10:05  AM, Ian wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Please excuse this newbie question, but I am getting confused :(
> >
> > I need at have a small script that will extract selected 
> words from a 
> > phrase and then insert them into a new string. I have an html page 
> > that I need to
> > extract both urls & keywords from and put them into a new 
> file. Should
> > be
> > fairly simple stuff - but it is beating me!!
> >
> > A typical example is
> > <font class="fontclassz"><a 
> href="http://domain.name";>text</a></font>
> >
> > The output needs to be as
> > <a href="http://domain.name"; target="_blank" value="text">
> >
> > The first part and the last bit appear to be working 
> (just), but it is 
> > the middle that I am stuck on.
> >
> > What I have put together so far is....
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > while ($line=<>) {
> > if ($line =~ m|<font class="fontclassz">(.*?)</font>|) { 
> $headline = 
> > $line; $url = $line;
> > $line = $1;
> > $headline =~ s|<[^>]*>||g;
> > $url =~ s|<[^>]*>||g;
> > $line = <<END;
> > <a href="$url" target="_blank" value="$headline">
> > END
> > print "$line\n";
> > }
> > }
> >
> > I realise that both $headline and $url are the same at the 
> moment, but 
> > having tried various alternatives, I am just getting more and more 
> > confused. Any assistance would be gratefully received.
> >
> > Ian
> >
> >
> >
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