On Wednesday, September 18, 2002, at 08:22  AM, Anthony Saffer wrote:

> Hello Again All,


> Perhaps if you all saw my logic during this script it would help you 
> understand what I am trying to do and maybe see a bit better what is 
> failing. Here is my code again, but fully commented...

I'm just getting into this thread, so I apologize in advance for my 
lack of knowledge about what has come before.

> Thanks!
> Anthony

If this is your full source and especially now that it's running on 
Linux, where's your shebang line?


> my $PNdString = ""; # Setting it to blank
> sub process_files{
>    # First, I am opening all of my files
>  open(FH, "< $_") or die("Error! Couldn't open $_ for reading!! 
> Program aborting.\n");
>  open(MTH, "< /home/losttre/sorted.txt") or die("Error! Couldn't open 
> $MTH for reading!\n");
>  open(OUTFILE, "> temp.dat") or die ("Couldn't open temp file! 
> Aborting\n");

Just FYI, you can drop all of the parenthesis in the three statements 
above and they will function just the same, but maybe be a touch easier 
to read.  Choosing less cryptic filehandle names would also help a 
little, I think.

>  @MTH = <MTH>; #Assign the contents of sorted.txt to an array
>  @fcontents = <FH>; #Assign the contents of the $_ to an array (a 
> dynamic filename)
>         # The two foreach loops below are for matching. I am wanting 
> to pattern match
>         # every single element in FH to every single line in MTH. So 
> if my MTH file has
>         # 3000 lines and my FH files 5000 every line in FH will be 
> evaluated 3000 times.
>         foreach $matchitem (@MTH){
>   foreach $litem (@fcontents){
>    if($litem, /$matchitem/){ # is there a match in this line?

Okay, the line above is a problem child.  I believe you mean to use 
that pattern match on that variable, which would be done with the match 
operator, as you have it in the next line below.

if ($litem =~ /$matchitem/) {

>     $PNdString =~ m/$litem/$matchitem/i; #Yes? Replace!

More trouble here.  First, I think you're trying a search and replace 
here and that uses s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/, not m/PATTERN/ which is just 
for matching.  Note:  you also added the i modifier here, which means 
this match will follow different rules that the similar one just above 
(ignoring case).  Also, your matching text from a string that has been 
set to hold nothing.  Finally, I'm having a hard time helping to 
rewrite it correctly because I can't understand the purpose clearly.  
It looks to me like you are saying, if we find a match, replace it with 
the match, which we know will be the same thing, right?

Here's how I would rewrite the loops, in psuedocode where you will need 
to fill in a REPLACEMENT:

foreach (@FH) { # defaults to sticking the value in $_
foreach $match (@MTH) {
s/$match/REPLACEMENT/; # search and replace if found, on $_
print OUTFILE $_; # print out the value, changed or unchanged

>      print (OUTFILE "$PNdString\n"); # Write the replace to our temp 
> file
>    }
>    else{  # No match?
>     print(OUTFILE "$litem\n"); # Write the unaltered line to temp
>    }
>   }
>  }
> print "Done\n";
> }

I hope this helps.  If I'm missing the intent, send more information 
and I'll take another shot at it.  Good luck!


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