Hi All:

         This is a convoluted problem and I hope I can describe it properly.

         I have about 90 html pages. I am extracting a small amount of 
information from each page and using that to create 90 more pages elsewhere 
in the site.

         What is happening is that I'm getting the information, assembling 
it correctly and putting it out to the new file. However, randomly, I'm 
getting information repeated in the new file that I cleared. The result is 
a new file that is 900+KB instead of the intended 10KB.

         An almost identical structure in another sub-routine works 
perfectly. Thanks for the help. Here's the code that I'm using:

         #================ start update CSS sub-menus 
sub assemblecsssubmenus {
         opendir(PROPFILES,"$basedir/properties\-list"); @dirlist = 
readdir(PROPFILES); closedir(PROPFILES);
         splice (@dirlist,0,2);
         foreach $inproplist (sort @dirlist) {
                 if (-d $inproplist) {}
                 elsif ($inproplist =~ /\.htm/) {
print "$inproplist \n";
                         open (INPROPLISTS, 
"<$basedir/properties\-list/$inproplist"); @indetail = <INPROPLISTS>; close 
                         for ($w=0; $w<=$#indetail; $w++) {
                                 if ($indetail[$w] =~ m|^<!-- start 
property (.*?): -->|i) {$propname = $1;
                                         $indetail[$w+1] =~ /id="(.*?)"/; 
$target = $1;
                                         $outmenuprop1 = "<span 
class=\"alpha1\"><img src=\"indent.gif\" height=\"0\" width=\"10\"><a 
                                         push @outmenuprop, $outmenuprop1; 
undef $outmenuprop1; print ".";
                                 elsif ($indetail[$w] =~ m|^<!-- start 
value $propname: (.*?) -->|i) {$valname = $1;
                                         $indetail[$w+1] =~ /id="(.*?)"/; 
$target = $1;
                                         $outmenuprop1 = "\t<span 
class=\"alpha2\"><img src=\"indent.gif\" height=\"0\" width=\"26\"><a 
target=\"right\">$valname </a><br></span>\n";
                                         push @outmenuprop, $outmenuprop1; 
undef $outmenuprop1; print ".";
                                 elsif ($indetail[$w] =~ m|^<!-- start 
copyright -->|i) {}

@outmenu = split /\z/, <<"endpmenu";
         <title>$propname properties and values menu - 
         <!-- start meta load -->\z
                 <meta name="description" content="a description of the 
$propname properties and values.">\z
                 <meta name="keywords" content="Cascading Style Sheets, 
CSS, documentation, reference, manual, examples, properties, values, tips, 
tricks, HTML">\z
                 <meta name="rating" content="general">\z
                 <meta name="author" content="Ronald F. Woodall">\z
                 <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright 1995, 1996, 
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Ronald F. Woodall, Oxford-on-Rideau, 
                 <meta http-equiv="reply-to" 
         <!-- end meta load -->\z
         <!-- start style load -->\z
                 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="menucomp900.css" title="0comp700">\z
         <!-- end style load -->\z
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#8a8a8a" leftmargin="0" 
topmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" title="Resize this window 
and/or use the scroll bar to view the entire properties/values list!">\z

                         push @outmenu, @outmenuprop;
                         undef @outmenuprop;
                         $outmenu1 = "<\/body>\n<\/html>\n";
                         push @outmenu, $outmenu1;
                         undef $outmenu1;
                         open (OUTPROPMENU, 
                         print OUTPROPMENU @outmenu;
                         close (OUTPROPMENU);
print "\n\@outmenu count is: $#outmenu -- ";
                         undef @outmenu;
print "\@outmenu count is: $#outmenu\n";
                         undef $propname;
                         undef @indetail;
         $historyline = "$menucounter CSS menus were created\n";
         open (HISTORY, ">>$dirname/$version/000history.txt"); print 
HISTORY $historyline; close (HISTORY);
         undef $historyline; undef $menucounter;

Ron Woodall

The Compendium of HTML Elements
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