Steveo wrote:

> Thanks to the people on this list I've been able to create a form
> submission page that writes team data for a fps league to a data file.  I
> can also call up that data and present it 'nicely' on a web browser.  The
> next step for me is to be able to submit the name of a clan I want to drop
> from the data file and have a script delete it.  My data file is a simple
> ascii text file that looks like this:
> clan1,leader1,webpage1
> clan2,leader2,webpage2
> clan3,leader3,webpage3
> etc...

1. open the file for reading
2. write whatever you need to a tmp file
3. rename the tmp file to your original file

this's basically what Perl inline editing is doing. for example:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile tempdir/;

my $org_file = 'org.txt';
my $tmp_file = (tempfile(DIR => tempdir(CLEANUP => 1)))[1];

open(ORG,$org_file)    || die $!;
open(TMP,">$tmp_file") || die $!;
        print TMP unless(/^clan2/);

rename($tmp_file,$org_file) || die $!;


the code will work as long as your files are small, once they get bigger and 
bigger, this kind of thing is not going to work well. you will want a DBMS 
such as mySQL,Oracle...etc


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