> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Samuelsson (PAC) 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 19 September 2002 08:09
> Subject: Using GetOpt::Long
> I found this module was a part off the package, and tried it 
> out, it works as i want. I have some troubles though, i am 
> going to use quite a lot of sub routines in my scrip, how can 
> i define and structure so that the commandline switches will 
> actually be the subs executed?
> for example i have this:
> use Getopt::Long;
> if (!GetOptions("reg_backup" => \$reg_backup,
>                "html"  => \$html)
>    ){err_exit("$usage\n",0);}
> if (defined ($reg_backup) ){reg_backup()}
> if (defined($html)){create_html()}
> etc..
> when i execute the script it does as its told, but if i want 
> to combine the 2 subs, so that it should first run the 
> regbackup sub, (then i have the resul in an array), then it 
> should print that result in the html sub. how should i 
> structure the if statments to accomplish this?

do you want something like this?

use strict;
use English;

# Set Default values
our %opt = (
  reg_backup => 0, # Default is no reg_backup
  html       => 0, # Default is no html

# Allow Command Line override of defaults
 ) or die "GetOptions error: $OS_ERROR";

my @result;
@result = reg_backup() if $opt{reg_backup};
create_html( \@result ) if $opt{html};

you can then call your script like this:
  myscript.pl --reg_backup --html
  myscript.pl --noreg_backup --html  
  myscript.pl --reg_backup --nohtml
etc etc

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