On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:

> Hi All
>    I am writing a script that will replace all instance of a particular 
> word another in a file
> The only problem is that I want to match only whole words
> eg If $str="the there thee that the";
>   I want to change to $str="abc there thee that abc";
> $srcstr = 'the'
> $dest = 'abc'
> $str=~s/([^\w\_\-\.])\Q$srcstr\E([^\w\_\-\.])/$1$dest$2/g;
> this doesnt seem to work
> I will enclose my entire script here
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> # This will  work as sedfiles  diff being it replaces only whole words
> # A word will mean only char seq containing \w \_ \- \.
> # No Regex is allowed in srcstring
> #
> die "Usage $0 <srcstring> <deststring> <file1>..<file2>\n" unless (@ARGV 
>  > 2 );
> $srcstr =  shift(@ARGV);
> $deststr = shift(@ARGV);
> {
>      local $^I = '~';
>      while (<>) {
>         # This does not work
>         s/([^\w\_\-\.])\Q$srcstr\E([^\w\_\-\.])/$1$deststr$2/g;
>          # This works but not what I need
>         #s/\Q$srcstr\E/$1$deststr$2/g;

What are the $1 and $2 here for, you are not capturing anything here.
If you want to replcae all (whole) occurences of $srcstr by $deststr
this should work


>          print;
>      }
> }

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