Kurt Faymon wrote:

> Given the Input of:
> <H1>whatever.....
> <H2>whatever.....
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> <H2>whatever.....
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> <p>
> How can I read in the records bases on 'blocks starting with <H,, that is
> grouped as follows:
> Record1:
> <H1>whatever.....
> <H2>whatever.....
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> Record2:
> <H2>whatever.....
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> Record3:
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> Record 4:
> <H3>whatever.....
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> Record 5:
> <H4>whatever.....
> <p>whatever.....
> <p>
> Setting $/ to something? Use the Split function? having tried variations
> of these and/or postive and negative lookahead's have left me obviously
> missing something? Any ideas?
> Thanks - kf

read until you counter a line starting with <p> which marks the end of the 
previous record:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my $end_of_record = 0;
my @records;

open(LINES,'foo.txt') || die $!;
                #-- a record is holding in @records
                #-- do whatever you need to do
                $end_of_record = 0;
                @records = ();
        $end_of_record = 1 if(/^<p>/);


didn't actually test the above but it should work.


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