Hey rob,         

My MUA believes you used Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US; rv:1.0.0) 
to write the following on Friday, September 20, 2002 at 7:36:37 PM.

r> When the program runs I get the following error, which seems to be
r> saying I need a system mail program... something like blat or
r> sendmail, qmail if it were Linux.

Well, blat will only do a small part of what sendmail will do, but you
should not need for what you are trying.

r> Im on NT 4 Server and currently using cdonts but I'd like to
r> implement perl instead. what do I need to do? Id *really * rather
r> not install blat as thats just another level of complexity...


r> Died at F:/Perl/site/lib/Mail/Mailer.pm line 290.

r> line 290     # Fork and start a mailer
r>     (defined($exe) && open($self,"|-"))
r>     || $self->exec($exe, $args, \@to)
r>     || die $!;

r> now on the other hand... if I
C:\1myperl>>perl -MMAIL -le "print(MAIL->VERSION)"

r> Can't locate MAIL.pm in @INC (@INC contains: F:/Perl/lib 
r> F:/Perl/site/lib .).
r> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

r> I do have

r> F:\Perl\site\lib\Mail\Mailer>dir /b > dir.txt which produces
r> mail.pm
r> qmail.pm
r> rfc822.pm
r> sendmail.pm
r> smtp.pm
r> test.pm

r> Thanks rob
r> #################### amail.pl ####################################
r>   require Mail::Send;

r>     $msg = new Mail::Send;

r>     $msg = new Mail::Send Subject=>'the subject', To=>'me';

r>     $msg->to('[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
r>     $msg->subject('example subject');
r>     $msg->cc('');
r>     $msg->bcc('');

r>     $msg->set($header, @values);
r>     $msg->add($header, @values);
r>     $msg->delete($header);

r>     # Launch mailer and set headers. The filehandle returned
r>     # by open() is an instance of the Mail::Mailer class.
r>     # Arguments to the open() method are passed to the Mail::Mailer
r>     # constructor.

r>     $fh = $msg->open;               # some default mailer
r>     # $fh = $msg->open('sendmail'); # explicit

I am guessing this is where your problem is.  It looks like the above
is specifying the MTA to deliver the message.  What are you setting it
to?  Guessing it would be something like smtp.server.com

r>     print $fh "Body of message";

r>     $fh->close;         # complete the message and send it

r>     $fh->cancel;        # not yet implemented

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Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
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