i use a forking mechanism to fork irc services to the background, and it
goes like this:

___ START ___
use strict;
use POSIX;
# run in background?
# 1 = yes, 0 = no
$daemon = 1;

if($daemon) {
  exit if fork;
# script goes here
___ END ___

works perfectly well for me :)


"Paul Tremblay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am writing a script in perl to backup my system, and would like to run
> a backgroud process to burn each CD as it is created.
> Right now I use this command
> my $fail=system "tar -vr -T $files_to_back -f $tar_file";
> to create a tar file. If the tar file is bigger than 650 M, then I will
> have to use split to split it into chunks. Needless to say, if backing
> up my whole hardrive, I will have many chunks. In fact, if my hardrive
> contains 10 G of info, I would need 10G of extra space just to run my
> script.
> So I want to create a background process. (I believe this is what I have
> to do, anyway.) I want tar to create 650M of info, and then stop while I
> create a disk image, burn the image, and then remove the image.
> I have looked in *Perl Cookbook,* but I couldn't really find any way to
> do this.
> I believe doing what I want is possible. There is a relativley simple
> script called backuponcd that does just this. But the script is written
> as a bash script, and I can't quite figure out what is going on.
> Thanks
> Paul
> PS I feel like I am re-inventing the wheel. I am sure there are a million
> good scripts and programs out there to backup. But I either can't get
> them to run, or they don't quite offer quite the ability to customize
> that I want.
> I would like the ability to append new files to old ones.
> For example, if I am working on a document called "my_story.txt", I
> will edit this story every day for several weeks. I want each version to
be on a CD--in other words, there would be 21 copies of this story if I
edited every day for three weeks. After all, I might do some bad editing on
day 18 and really wish that I had a copy of the story that I did on day 15.
> Anyone know of a *well-documented* perl script that does what I want?
> --
> ************************
> *Paul Tremblay         *
> ************************

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